Rainer Knepperges and Ehler Voss
3 December 2015


Talk and film selection as part of the exhibition "I See, So I See So. Messages from Harry Smith"

Talk and selection of films / Recorded voices, trance and trickery, mediums and tradition spirits. Rainer Knepperges presents a guide tour through the darker corners of film history. Ehler Voss studies the history of the testing of trance mediumism in Europe and the United States from the 19th century to the present. He tells about his current ethnographic field research among spiritists, ghost hunters, parapsychologists and skeptics in California.

Rainer Knepperges is author and filmmaker, based in Cologne. Ehler Voss is anthropologist and media theorist at the University Siegen, lives in Leipzig.


Peter Medak: The Changeling, 1980