A live audio drama with Bradley Davies and Friends
Fri 2 September 2022, 7 p.m.

Reading and sound performance to close the exhibition "Bradley Davies: Hold Your Horses" in the course of the DC Open gallery weekend.
The presentation will be followed by drinks by Julius Metzger and music by DJ Snake.

In this performance, Bradley Davies presents a live audio drama of the memoirs of a horse. In a reading with live sound effects and Foley art, sequences of Dick's biography, his fate, his exploits, his suffering and ruminations, are brought to life.

"Memoirs of Dick, the Little Poney. Supposed to Be Written by Himself," was published anonymously in 1800 during the heyday of non-human literary narratives and autozoographical tales. Part quasi-autobiographical literary production, part picaresque novel, the children's book reflects human moral shortcomings in an attempt to imitate animal introspection.

An excerpt from the book can be found in the booklet accompanying the exhibition, which can be viewed here.

Anon.: Memoirs of Dick the Little Poney; Supposed to be written by himself; and published for the Instruction and Amusement of Good Boys and Girls, London 1800, J. Walker, No.44, Paternoster Row; and sold by E. Newbery, Corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard

MEMOIRS OF DICK, THE LITTLE PONEY A live audio drama with Bradley Davies and Friends Fri 2 September 2022, 7 p.m. Reading and sound performance to close the exhibition "Bradley Davies: Hold Your Horses" in the course of the DC Open gallery weekend. The presentation will be followed by drinks by Julius Metzger and music by DJ Snake. In this performance, Bradley Davies presents a live audio drama of the memoirs of a horse. In a reading with live sound effects and Foley art, sequences of Dick's biography, his fate, his exploits, his suffering and ruminations, are brought to life. "Memoirs of Dick, the Little Poney. Supposed to Be Written by Himself," was published anonymously in 1800 during the heyday of non-human literary narratives and autozoographical tales. Part quasi-autobiographical literary production, part picaresque novel, the children's book reflects human moral shortcomings in an attempt to imitate animal introspection. An excerpt from the book can be found in the booklet accompanying the exhibition, which can be viewed here. Image Anon.: Memoirs of Dick the Little Poney; Supposed to be written by himself; and published for the Instruction and Amusement of Good Boys and Girls, London 1800, J. Walker, No.44, Paternoster Row; and sold by E. Newbery, Corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard

A live audio drama with Bradley Davies and Friends
Fr 2 September 2022, 19 Uhr

Live Hörspiel-Event zum Abschluss der Ausstellung „Bradley Davies: Hold Your Horses“ und zum DC Open-Gallery Weekend. Im Anschluss gibt es Drinks von Julius Metzger und Musik von DJ Snake.

In dieser Performance präsentiert Bradley Davies eine Live-Vertonung der Memoiren eines Pferdes. In einer Lesung mit live Soundeffekten und Foley-Geräuschimitation werden Sequenzen der Autobiographie von Dick, sein Schicksal, seine Heldentaten, sein Leid und seine Gedanken, als Hörspiel zum Leben erweckt.

„Memoirs of Dick, the Little Poney. Supposed to Be Written by Himself“, wurde 1800 anonym in der Blütezeit nicht-menschlicher literarischer Narrative und autozoographischer Erzählungen veröffentlicht. Das Kinderbuch, teils ‪quasi-autobiographische literarische Inszenierung, teils Schelmenroman spiegelt im Versuch tierisches Erleben zu imitieren menschliche ‬Moral und Unzulänglichkeiten.

Ein Auszug aus dem Buch findet sich in dem Begleitheft zur Ausstellung. Das Heft finden sie auch hier.

Anon.: Memoirs of Dick the Little Poney; Supposed to be written by himself; and published for the Instruction and Amusement of Good Boys and Girls, London 1800, J. Walker, No.44, Paternoster Row; and sold by E. Newbery, Corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard